View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 20:41

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Welcome Allen
We are a small band of regular contributors to this forum with a mix of backgrounds including some retired professional photographers. You are very unlikely to have any dissenters with you summary of the differences between yesterday and todays methods of photography. It’s very much like chatting down the pub with some mates. The recent AI thread perhaps highlights how much we feel pure photography is on a slippy slope!

Was it Ansel Adams, who when asked about the quality difference between large format cameras and SLRs, replied that it was the ease and speed of use of the SLR, that dictated its quality?(or words to that effect). His point being, when you have 24,36 exposure chances in the camera, onboard exposure and portability ……you can rush yourself into mediocrity.

Modern cameras and especially phones have exacerbated this condition. I suspect the things you can do in the modern electronic darkroom result more in ‘digital art’ than ‘photographs’.

Last edited on Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 20:41 by
