Dave Groen wrote:
jmestes wrote: Great pics Dave, especially the funny car in motion. Very sharp for a hand-hold pan shot.
Are those jpegs out of the camera or processed raw? Nice color saturation- wondering what your settings were.
Yes, they are jpegs straight out of the camera.
I know I should be shooting raw and normally do, but my computer is not up to it. I use Lightroom, but the latest version is required for the D800 NEF converter. I cannot run the latest LR because it's Intel-only and I am still using a PowerPC Mac.
Since the race shots, I've started shooting jpeg+raw. I import the jpegs into LR, examine them, and convert the NEF keepers with Nikon View for further editing in PS. Each conversion takes a minute or two on my Mac Pro Quad-G5-processor with lots of RAM.
One of these days I will get a new computer, but I just bought a D800 which showed the limitations of my lens. So then I had to buy a 24-70/2.8. After the computer I will have to upgrade LR and PS. First things first, second things second, etc. I could buy a lot of Tri-X and Dektol for all that money.
At the risk of getting shot
You could convert into DNG using the Adobe NEF to DNG convertor and then put through Lightroom. Annoying but might bridge the gap for now?