View single post by Gert
 Posted: Wed Jun 20th, 2012 16:10

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: Vejle, Denmark
Posts: 48
My short take on D800 vs D800E:

When in doubt you should take the D800.

The longer version:

Most of us were happy with the shapness of a 12MP camera having an anti-aliasing filter, and now 3 times the resolution is not enough?

The anti-aliasing filter is there for reasons described in the Nyquist frequency theory
Which states that when having fine grained details then you cannot reproduce the picture without introducing spurious errors. If you know how the picture should look like (e.g. a repetitive pattern) then you will spot the errors, otherwise you might not see it.
This is good and bad, if you cannot see it then it does not bother you, but it also means that when comparing a D800 with a D800E and you are seeing more details from the D800E, you have a hard time telling if the details are for real or you are actually looking at errors!

Another thing is that you cannot really fix these errors afterwards, because the needed information is missing, so software handling the issue can only try to do a "work around"; e.g. look for patters like moire and then try to suppress them, kind of like when noise reduction software is trying to reduce high iso noise.

So much for the theory, I think that in most cases eider one will do very well, but the D800E is a specialist tool, and if you do not have a specific reason for getting it then the D800 will be the safest bet.
