View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Jul 16th, 2022 20:52

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Iain wrote:
It's a hard art to master but some people have just got the knack. Nice juvenile Greater Spotted Woodpecker shot Eric.
For the first attempt I think it was very good. There are several problems ….

1) Too many feeders in one spot.
Birds are spoilt for choice and you cannot guarantee which one they will go for. The only option apart from thinnning them out is to focus on one spot ….and wait.
2) Too high magnification for general sighting
Probably better to move further away to give wider field of view in first instance. Then zoom in when the bird less mobile.
3) iPhone goes to sleep losing settings
Easy fix….switch it to never off and hope battery lasts
4) Wobble when adjusting
Whether moving the head or touching the iPhone the camera wobble is excessive and shows up more on video of course. An expensive fluid head would be better…but I am from Yorkshire. ;-)
Jan has a remote trigger that starts/stops the iPhone via Bluetooth but adjusting and locking exposure requires touching the screen. So there’s always a wobble at the start of most clips that needs removing. Fortunately it settles down quite quickly. You just have to hope the bird hasn’t moved and requires more touching and wobbling.

It’s probably easier when taking photos rather than videos as you only need a fraction of a second in frame….not so videoing.

The G.S.W. has become a regular these last few weeks. Clearly fledged nearby and discovered our easy pickings. Long May he continue to visit.

Last edited on Sat Jul 16th, 2022 20:52 by
