View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Jan 10th, 2022 20:42

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
”I think that instead of trying to find the information from some Chinese bulletin that they find out what mounts need changing and change them.  The mounts are just expensive bits of rubber and if changed to the latest spec versions will no doubt cure the problem!
Sometimes I wonder if the whole of the UK has lost it nouse and innate intelligence but either has to follow 'what the computer says' or 'I can only do it if I have permission'….”

It may be easier than that! A simpler route would be to ask Gaydon to look back at their job sheets for the last couple of years. This guy only left this year and said he worked on Discovery’s in last years. They should have all the parts they called in.

Apparently the mounts are standard diesel mounts but because their housing is different to the ones on the petrol models like mine, it needs an adaption…that’s the bit they need to rediscover.

Once upon a time I would have got underneath and done something my self but when the b****y thing is still under warranty …why should I?

I hope they persevere and find the details ….it’s in their interest. When asked what they would have been suggesting doing next , the warranty manager gulped and said “a complete strip down of the drive system”. A bit of detective work could save a lot of money and time.

Last edited on Mon Jan 10th, 2022 20:42 by
