View single post by novicius
 Posted: Tue Mar 23rd, 2021 06:34

Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Just a few questions, we need to have the names of companies displayed to attract new members?.. then what about LEICA...Hassleblad...Mamyia...PENTAX..that s gonna be a cacophony..

I can see there is traffic of people lurking here, would informing passers by that they`re welcome to contribute even though they do not use Nikon`s..?.. would that not be patronizing ..

I`m just worried that we loose our identity..

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.