View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Mar 21st, 2021 10:09

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4247
Like the intro Chris.

Could I make a couple of suggestions?

1) We haven't yet got any Canon users so should they be for the moment in the 'other makes' collective but add Olympus in its place as Jeff uses that? 

2) Would it be better to split the text up to make it less of an eyeful to digest in one hit?
    I am thinking, make a break before the gallery text and maybe place it below the menu...maybe slightly smaller text? Although good information
    it may not (arguably?) be the main reason to join the forum? 

I did make a couple of suggested changes to wording if you feel wothrwhile....

A forum originally for Nikon camera users now
embracing Sony, Fuji, Olympus and other makes. 
Discussion on digital photography techniques, 
reviews of cameras and lenses as well as projects.

Our gallery displays images in high resolution and provides sub threads to discuss 
individual images no matter where they appear in the main forums. 
Smartphone friendly, you can upload images direct from phone or wifi connection 
from your camera. Modern private messaging system akin to phone texting.

Last edited on Sun Mar 21st, 2021 10:18 by Eric
