View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Mar 18th, 2021 06:51

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4363
I think the sad fact is that forums have become old hat. 
Far more people (especially younger ones) go to social media to satiate their need to communicate.

There are several long standing regular members that have stopped posting. It may be worth asking them why they have stopped. The answers may be predictable.....other interests, no time, stopped photography, know all I need to know... and as such they are hard to counter.  But ....nothing new, not very interesting, not much help, boring.... may be worth trying to address.

It's clear, when one looks at the views per thread, there are some subjects that prompt more interest than others. Bird photography is the classic example. Even so, with limited exceptions, people just come to look. In fairness, I do the same on other forums.

I fear there is little we can do short of introducing a new subject to many people, that those people want to stay and discuss. o.O
