View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Mar 17th, 2021 17:44

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6843
I find it very disheartening that the members numbers here are falling but I know some of that is due to the general drop in Nikon users which I have no control over.
We also have a well educated group of members who are very proficient.
Also that these days I tend to be more closely aligned to different makes even though I still use Nikon but it is not a 'go to' manufacturer for many. 

Digital has made it easier for the general public to easily publish a spectrum of image quality that is very variable.  Smartphones have made everyone a 'just as good as David Bailey' photographer. 
Quality is not a standard, but something that may arrive!

I dont pretend to have the answers but I have to say that the time I spend is limited as I have other things that demand it.

Maybe the time has come to ask the question..... Is there anyone out there who wants to take on the ownership and responsibilities of this forum?

Still learning after all these years!