View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Mar 7th, 2021 05:27

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4363
jk wrote:
That is the other thing that needs to be done.   Get the new forum up the search engine lists!
Apologies for being a tad negative, but we are in 'chicken or egg' situation here.
It's all very well attracting more visits, but the forum content needs to be sufficiently engaging to hold people's attention, if the forum is to survive as anything more than a few old mates putting the world to rights, in a virtual pub on a Friday night.

Understanding why so many people have left the forum or refrain from contributing, may go someway to formulating something new.

Forged in the last century when digital imaging was perceived as witchcraft, it's not surprising we had so many wanting to discuss and learn the mysteries.

Now that most people know enough to satisfy their day to day needs, it's going to have to be something really special to grab people's interest and enthuse their contribution. Opening the forum name to encompass other camera users widens the net for sure. How do we hold their interest?
