View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Feb 20th, 2021 20:25

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
I thought I would do that one of the Hummingbird moth as I was never sure if I liked the background in the original, but maybe the problem was the crop I made!
I prefer your crop.

Re: " Incidentally, somewhere on my desktop I have a PS Action that sequentially layers focus progressively back in stages giving increasing levels of defocus away from a subject to give quite a natural depth of field effect. I created it after messing up a shoot with the wrong aperture. "

If you can find it I would be interested to test out as I did this by hand with a duplicate layer with a large amount of gaussian blur and a mask.  
I should have made it as a smart object so I could change the blur.  I always remember half way through the exercise.

There are always many different ways to do stuff in Photoshop it really is a total learning experience.

Still learning after all these years!