View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Oct 1st, 2020 14:21

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I find it very sad that so many of these places are closed due to Covid.  

If people are outside and physically distance then it is not at all dangerous.  Some of this is pure jobsworth/HSE/risk averseness.

Thanks for the additional urls so many of these grand old mansions are now ruins.  I did some photography for English Heritage back around 2000 when they were cataloguing all the listed assets in England.  I had a section of Hertfordshire where I had to go and 'take one defining image' of the listed object e.h. cottage, dovecote, grange, etc...  I cant believe they managed to finish the prohect as they insisted in using film!

Still learning after all these years!