View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue May 12th, 2020 04:49

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Well done Robert.
Reduce contact to minimal and you stay uninfected.

I am sure that the Government is actually trying to adopt a strategy of 'get everybody infected and recovered, and if we lose 100000-400000 oldies along the way then it means our NHS and Pensions bills will be reduced'.  
If you look at the UK population of 67-70M people which has about 22% of them being over 60, then that is 15million people, who in the words of the Conservative MP who wrote the book "Britannia Unchained" (all current serving Conservative MPs), are unproductive i.e. expendable!   I suggest that people read this book.  Shockingly brutal read.  There are great observations on UK life and insights on the way they view the UK 'other people', i.e. not themselves.
PDF available from a very small private library in Cornwall. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!