View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue May 12th, 2020 04:40

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
jk wrote:
I dont understand why people are not doing bulk shopping for a whole month. I know there is a financial aspect to this but......
There is only a need for weekly or alternate week shopping for vegetables and fruit.

We should be aiming for 'minimal external/outside of household interaction if we want to get rid of C19 quickly.

Technically the virus lives for 15-21 days in an infected person.  If you isolate that person completely at first signs of infection (day 5-14) and if there has been no onward infection then you have an immune and recovered person about 28 days later.
If we isolate absolutely for 15-21 days then the R value goes to zero in 21 days. The problem is people (doctors and hospital workers) moving around from work place to home and back again.

The UK Government has not managed this situation according to the science but according to its own agenda!  If incompetence = death, then we would have no current government!  No bad thing.

Once a month? 😳. Don't suggest that to my wife. 

I fear the government missed the obvious point that as 80% of the people who die each year are over 70 they should have 'instructed' us oldies to stay isolated from day opposed to some 'suggestion' to stay indoors.

Surprise surprise....80% of Covid deaths (and therefore ICU occupation with NHS pressure) are over 70s.   So no change there.  

They put the pressure on the NHS themselves by not shielding those who would cause the pressure at the outset. And then they are playing catch-up.

Then these death figures to consider....

Jan-Mar 2020.... 151,000 death certificates issued
Jan-Mar 2019.... 144,000 death certificates issued
Jan-Mar 2018.... 164,000 death certificates issued  (Including some of the 26,000 who died with flu that winter)


No one is debating the severity of this virus. 
I just feel that the same pro activity and responsiveness shown each year with the provision of free flu jabs for elderly and vulnerable, should have been mimicked (in the absence of a jab) with a STRONG stay indoors instruction at the outset.

Nuf said
