View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue May 12th, 2020 03:56

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
I dont understand why people are not doing bulk shopping for a whole month. I know there is a financial aspect to this but......
There is only a need for weekly or alternate week shopping for vegetables and fruit.

We should be aiming for 'minimal external/outside of household interaction if we want to get rid of C19 quickly.

Technically the virus lives for 15-21 days in an infected person.  If you isolate that person completely at first signs of infection (day 5-14, when they become infectious) and if there has been no onward infection then you have an immune and recovered person about 28 days later (day 33-42).
If we ALL isolate absolutely for 15-21 days then the R value goes to zero in 21 days. 

The problem is people (doctors, nurses, carers and hospital workers) moving around from work place to home and back again.  This needs to be much more carefully managed than it is being currently.  In the past we had nurses/doctor accommodation at each hospital this has been sold off or converted to other use. So now health workers go from work to shops, to home, to work in an infectious circle.  They either get infected at work, or in the shops by those in the population who are carriers or have been recently infected.

The health workers need to be quarantined and treated as 'very special people'. They should be getting free 7* accommodation, with food and services so they can work effectively away from home for 21-28 days.
They need to be tested daily for infection so that when/if they get infected and when they recover then become incredibly precious and valuable as they are then immune and uninfectable.

The government is skimping on necessities such as high quality washable/reusable  PPE and daily living care for health workers, but is giving £10k gifts to MPs to allow them to remotely work (they should have this stuff anyway as part of their role).  They have got their priorities all wrong!

The UK Government has not managed this situation according to the science but according to its own disastrous political agenda!  
If incompetence = death, then we would have no current government!  No bad thing.

Sorry this stuff is pretty simple microbiology, immunology and epidemiology which is my trained field that I have a PhD in.  The SAGE and NERVTAG advisory groups will be giving very similar advice to mine, but the Government is deciding which advice to take or discard and making up its own strategy on the fly!

Still learning after all these years!