View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Fri Jun 8th, 2012 14:23


Joined: Sat May 19th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
Robert wrote: No problem with the image size Melissa.

Firstly, you should have turned the plate so the two cakes were next to one another, that would have halved the out of focus problem instantly. Remember the cans?

Secondly you were presumably using artificial lighting, but the camera will have been set to Automatic White Balance.

Artificial light is a big problem. Flash is better. The flash on your camera is of limited use. OK in emergencies but far from ideal. You can improve it by taping some white tissue or paper over the flash to diffuse it a lot.

Thanks for telling me how to adjust image size. That will really help!

I do remember the cans and I guess I understand the technical concept of aperture but not the set up concept. If saying it like that even makes any sense at all...they were set next to one another, but I decided that I wanted one of them to be behind the other in the picture cause I wanted the back one to be a little out of focus so your eyes would be drawn to the front one. I guess I just didn't set it up right.

I was using artificial lighting. My apartment is very small and really doesn't have a lot of opportunity to let natural light in. It's quite frustrating.

I didn't use a flash because most of the sites I visited that were about food photography said not to because it makes food look "unnatural". I guess they were wrong. I'll have to try the diffuser idea next time though!

White Balance. I am aware of that setting, but have not yet played with it. I increased my ISO and exposure for the picture, but didn't think of white balance!
