View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Sat Apr 18th, 2020 10:17

Joined: Fri Feb 8th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1428
jk wrote:
Of course to current greedy capitalism and its followers this is heresy but this latest COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of globalism and the value of localism.  Somewhere we need to find the balance.
I have long been against centralised services - yes they may be economical but they are not flexible - viz the distribution of centrally held PPE stocks, why on earth weren't the stocks held in the places they are used??

I would much prefer to live in a place where local producers sold local products to the local people and supported the local community. I do wonder if we would be so much better off if the small hospitals had not been axed in the name of cost - that bridge between major hospitals and care in the community could solve many of the problems we have now.

If it is broken it was probably me ....