View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Mar 31st, 2020 01:15

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
chrisbet wrote:
Lol - get a motorised golf trolley ...
I have one, brilliant. It worked well, carried the tripod, sarnies and flask of coffee, oh, and the tripod, cameras and a bunch of lenses and batteries.

I have tried several motorised and pushed trollies of one sort or another.  Of one occasion I commandeered (borrowed without asking!) a garden centre trolly at Muncaster Castle gardens, which has an outstanding collection of Frank Kingdon-Ward Rhododendrons, to carry all my gear for the day while I explored the extensive grounds.  I was making good progress until I reached the North terrace, where the gardeners were trimming an extremely thorny hedge, I managed to puncture two quite large balloon type tyres as I tried to avoid the clippings.  I was totally knackered when I finally managed to drag (it was then impossible to push) the now heavy and unwieldily trolly back to the garden centre and park it inconspicuously among it's friends.

Since then I have tried to find soft cushion tyres which don't need inflating.  Hard, solid tyres create way too much vibration for the cameras in my opinion on gravel and hard paths.  I still don't have a perfect solution.
