View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Mar 29th, 2020 14:36

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I agree, it seems a good deal, lightweight flimsy tripods are an expensive wast of space in my book, better a cheaper, heavier, robust tripod for me.  No good being easy to carry but blowing over in the first puff of wind and wrecking the camera/lens, as HAS happened to me, wrecked my Bronica S2a, and that wasn't a fragile camera.  It knocked the flash sync out and it was never the same after.  Some lucky soul bought it off me via eBay.

I just got another laser level which came with a 'free' tripod, similar to my usual surveyors tripod I usually use, it's slightly smaller than the original one, I plan to try it for photography, if it is rigid enough I may keep it for photography and return the original to it's intended purpose, surveying!  Main reason is I can't get the bigger tripod in the car boot without taking the head off, I think the new tripod will be OK with the head on, it's only a couple of inches but makes the difference.
