View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Fri Feb 7th, 2020 05:08
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1895
This was a normal shot 2 days earlier. We were in a villa about 80 miles south of Bergerac France Sept 2017 in a remote farming area this was the clump of Bananas first pix. I had time on hand and my laptop with me so wanted to do stacking tests. No lighting so needed a roll of tin foil (from local shop) to reflect some back hard light into subject also a white swimming towel put some nice soft light into the front. It took a bit of cleaning up dead bits slight change of angle after several goes back to laptop then out again to set-up bit like working in the studio. Nice day no wind. White bal gave problems so did one off the white towel and stored it into presets. ISO 200 1/125 sec F11 100mm lens stack of 10 big advantace is when stack is loaded into Photoshop CC the 10 layers can be worked on as single shots to cure problems. Final image then is high quality TIFF then can have final levels etc.  The 3 ladies with me said I was a sad person!!!!

Graham Whistler