View single post by novicius
 Posted: Mon Jan 6th, 2020 16:37

Joined: Mon Aug 13th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 443
jk wrote:
Well you didnt ask for it but I am green envious!  19mm f4.0 PCE.

Hope your trip is OK and the decisions as to which equipment to take.

I think for me it is a D3X as it will give you the most from the lenses you take.
What type of images do you expect to make?  That dictates the lens choice.

Well J K , mostly \" scapes \"...and then some, as I will be overthere for half a year, yes, the 19 was something I was convinced to be made of Unobtemium..but then, a videographer who used it for One project and then decided it was somewhat cumbersome...when I showed-up for its purchase , he did n`t really know how to explain to use it,..but when he noticed the PC 28 on the D3X his face brightened considerably...

And yes, the D3X would be the preference, last time it was the D3s,...Yet, I would really like to take Both with me, for my base is a flat in K L malaysia, I can make-up a \" Rig for the day \"...but the weight did You do all those travels , I remember Hong Kong was a steady diet for you some time ago...and you seem to scutle back and forth between England and you pay overprice..???

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.