View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Dec 17th, 2019 11:13

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Much the same thing as this...

This is the one I would choose, less gimmicky I think.  Has a good reputation and is I am told very reliable, across the Nikon range I know several users who rely on these, day in and day out.

The recent addition of extended Bulb exposures and the promised time lapse 'Holy Grail' feature to level exposures from daylight to full darkness and back is very desirable, not sure if it's implemented yet but it is/was on their promised feature list.

I am confident this one has it's own GPS chip because at least one of the users I know doesn't even own a smartphone and he uses it purely for the GPS feature. I suspect the 'LetsPinout' one relies on the smart phone to get the location data.  Smart phones are not particularly good at GPS in my experience, by miles, not good at compass bearings either.
