View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Oct 3rd, 2019 03:29

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4385
chrisbet wrote:
Thank you Eric - I am pleased with the improvement, the advice I got here was spot on :smilesmall:

Maybe not the best exposure but lovely sense of movement in the horse and stillness in the rider (me!) - exactly what we aim for as riders...

I have tried bringing up the shadows but I can't seem to do it without blowing the highlights.... need more instruction on post processing!

For these type of backlit photos (where the subject is large and central in the frame) it might be better spot metering or trying centre weighted with a small area of operation (which should be configurable on the 610).

Both these options should give greater exposure priority to the subject....but are perhaps a little more tricky( certainly with spot metering) to get right when the subject is moving about. With a little practise they are easy to use. The hardest part is remembering to switch back to matrix when you've finished!
