View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Aug 27th, 2019 08:19

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Robert,  Some suggestions for a repair.

1.  You can get some large heat shrink cable, split it lengthwise and make sure it overlaps so it double covers the area.  This will still leave you with a weak point at the entrance into the enclosure.  You might be able to insert some heat shrink over the cable and into the housing.  This would give you better physical strength.

2.   Straighten out the cable then set it in potting compound or use Araldite around the area.  You will need to make it so it does NOT flex as eventually the individual strands will break if they are subjected to multiple flexing.  You might need to glue to the case to make for greater strength.

3.  It might be possible to open the unit and pull the cable through into the enclosure then reseal the MC-36.  You will need to check that these extra cables will fit inside.  ****  This would be my preferred solution.  ****   You can use some thick rubber solution or small amount of something like Evostik to seal it.

4.   It might be possible to open the unit and resolder the cable after trimming but I would NOT suggest that as a first way forward unless you feel happy at soldering fine wires onto a very small circuitboard.  
I would have taken this on 10 years ago but my eyes are not as good at 1m from subject as before.  Using reading glasses dont work, as well as eyes without glasses, as you need to change focus through the vertical plane which will result with you needing to bob your head around.

DO NOT USE Silicone sealant as it contains acetic acid that will rot the circuitboard and cable.

Still learning after all these years!