View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Fri Jul 5th, 2019 11:54

Joined: Thu Feb 7th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1347
GeoffR wrote:
Well for some reason, yesterday when I used the Quote button it behaved like a quick reply but today it opens properly. Explain that one please.

In the end I did use a text editor, better known as Microsoft Word, and got what I wanted posted but the back button didn't help, my text was gone. Only this forum gives me any problems others seem to work better in that respect.

If you use the quote button to start a post and lose it for whatever reason, you need to use the quote button again on the same original post to reclaim your text to date - using the reply button on that original post will give you a blank editor - sorry, that is just the way it works, the underlying post reference is different for quotes and replies.

If it is broken it was probably me ....