View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Mon Jun 10th, 2019 08:29
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1895
Did some more tests yesterday of a 9cm flower in the garden. To find corect settings for D850 and the 105mm Macro lens. In "focus shift shooting" D850 menu I now think that 8 shots at 1/250 sec at f9 is about right with "focus step width" of 8 seems to work well. Always focus on nearest part of flower. Series of 8 takes about 10 sec to run so any movement due to wind or unsteady tripod is a no good at all! I tried several runs in the evening conditions were calm but still slight movement of air is enought to cause ghosting when images are stacked and merged in Photoshop see ghosting of centre of yesterdays test image. This was best of 8 runs. Also with camera set to do 8 pictures in each run the last 2 pixs were not used as focus passed beyond last part of flower.

Attachment: Ghosting Crop1.jpg (Downloaded 215 times)

Graham Whistler