View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Thu May 30th, 2019 06:12
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1895
I have now donw a test out doors with the D500 and 105mm AF-S Macro Lens. Tulip at an angle even at f16 it would be very hard to get it all sharp. I set up the D050 as per page 212 in the camera instruction book. Focused on the closes part of the flower and shot a burst of 12 shots. The first 5 were all I needed to get this picture. If I had used all 12 pixs the grass would also have been pin sharp.

Firm tripod required and had to wait for right light and more important no wind! Having got exposure and first focus point in place camera was still in the Focus Shift Photography Menu just gently hit OK! In less than 10 sec job done full automatic.

Note there is very slight ghosting on left lower of flower, this is in one layer there could have been a slight puff of wind but it would be easy to correct in Photoshop. Give it a go and post some of your pix here, it works very well.

Attachment: Blended Tulip.jpg (Downloaded 249 times)

Last edited on Thu May 30th, 2019 06:18 by Graham Whistler

Graham Whistler