View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Apr 26th, 2019 16:28

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
I havent applied some of the D500 updates as they seemed to be very video oriented.
This latest update does bring some important fixes and improvements.
I hope the next one in May will bring Eye AF which will be useful to stills and video users.  

However I guess my view is "if I wanted video then I would buy myself a video camera".  A good video camera really does knock spots off a DSLR from what I have seen.

I see people showing stuff taken by mobile phones either stills or video and they are raving over quality, etc., but I just think silently "we live in such a superficial world that has little respect for real craft and quality and in fact it is all about a very narcissistic and ego centric view of the world", if you look at the image at A4 size then most phone images ate pretty rubbish.  That applies to 99.99999% of them.
Sorry if this sounds cynical or depressive.  

There are some hugely talented people out there whose work I would rather respect and admire than showing my own images which occasionally are pretty good but in real creative terms could be viewed as mediocre.  Maybe I am too critical and set the quality barriers too high.

Still learning after all these years!