View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Mar 31st, 2019 18:04

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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chrisbet wrote:
Hmm - yes, something isn't right and since I had the issue with the 55-200 as well, I wonder if it is the camera.

There doesn't seem to be a fine adjustment for AF in the camera's menu - any ideas?

If it were me, I would go out and place a small object (piece of paper) at the nearest distance I anticipate the horse will come. Focus on THAT object and see if IT or the background or both are sharp at f5.6 (a good safe starting point for most lenses).

I would then set the focus to Manual, confirm the focus spot and shoot the passing horse without adjusting focus....several times. (That way you decouple the AF from the process.)

I do wonder if the camera is changing focus point at the time of hitting the shutter?

You could decouple focus from the shutter button by assigning the rear AE-L button to focus ( p200 in manual, custom function f4 to AF-ON)

I use this method all the time but especially for moving subjects. It can take some time getting use to focusing with your thumb, separate from operating the shutter in the usual manner. But you might find it helps as an alternative to manual focus while you re testing things.
