View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Mar 27th, 2019 07:00

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4385
chrisbet wrote:
Yes, the dog was difficult as he was sitting on my lap!!
Not sure what you are trying to establish or confirm here, Chris? Are you concerned about the sharpness of the lenses, the resolving power of the D90 or your technique?

For what it's worth.... using a 50mm lens at f2.5 on a subject at 500mm? distance (about your lap size?) will give you a depth of field of just 10mm! Even at f16 it's only 55-60mm. So you aren't going to learn anything about the lens sharpness working that close.

I know people talk about using wide apertures to isolate and draw greater attention on some detail but I think that's sometimes over egged by many photographers. IMHO. Sometimes getting a good composition and dynamic lighting is sufficient to tell the story...even at f8!  

So what are your concerns now?
