View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Mar 22nd, 2019 07:16

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
chrisbet wrote:
Interesting - I presume the ghosting is caused by light being reflected from the surface of the front element and bouncing off the interior surface of the filter - in which case the quality of the filter itself is of little influence.

That's my take, in fact I think the 'better' coatings may reflect more and therefore be worse.  I do accept there may be situations where a filter might be of some use but without experimenting I believe it's impossible to recognise those situations, certainly for me anyway, so I take aboard the simplistic saying that putting cheap glass in front of expensive glass is not a good idea.  Like I say, there is already a very high quality UV/IR filter in front of the sensor which regulates the UV transmission to exacting standards so from a UV standpoint it's duplicating the function.

As for the stuck filter, have you tried gently warming the lens and using a rubber band on the filter rim to increase grip?

I have tried many approaches, my buddy Nes, who deals in Nikon lenses and cameras gave up short of breaking something, he used a filter wrench.  I took it to the NPS roadshow at Manchester and asked the technician to try to get it of without destroying anything and he and his buddies gave up.  I will live with it.  It's a superb lens even with the filter so I don't want to compromise it simply to remove a filter.
