View single post by novicius
 Posted: Thu Mar 21st, 2019 18:40

Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Once every so often I come across this topic...apart from Protecting the Front Element , a well thought-out UV Filter will Improve / Enhance the Photo , do n`t take my word for is a Site from a Lab in Poland ( English is Good ) that Thoroughly Investigates / Tests Many UV and Polarizing Filters and Lenses , Camera`s etc.,...Explaining How and with What Equipment it was done...Here`s a Link to their frontpage :

I myself have had a UV filter of Good Make on my Very first Lens which I still have ,and on ALL my Other Lenses from Personal Experience I can Assure you that Hoya Multi Coated Filters rank among the Best and for a reasonable fee...also have Nikon which is just as Good but are costly..B&W is Mechanically Better and Very Costly as Rings are made of Brass therefore Never get Stuck ( which has happened a couple of times with the HMC filters which are made of Aluminium ) , other than that HMC is my Preference....for Certain events ( graduated ND filter f.ex. ) I use a China made knock-off Cokin system , which I started with the Original Cokin made in France ( Chromo Filter S A ), the knock-off is just as Good ( Actually Cokin is now made in China and Rumour has it that Both Original and Knock-off are made by same Mnfg`r ) , and are made of " Optical Resin ", reminiscent of Kodak Wratten Filters , yet Optical Resin is more Durable, and Optical Quality is Superb !!

Rest to say : I am Awaiting the Arrival of Two 77mm UV HMC filters for my PC-E Nikkor 24 f3.5 and PC-E Nikkor 85 f2.8 , these Lenses are the Epitaph of Optical Quality and yet, I am Confident the HMC`s will Improve on matters ,so No Hollow words here , but based on a Solid Foundation of Experience gathered over the course of FIFTY Years of Practical Use.

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.