View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Mar 15th, 2019 04:56

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Yea, my recommendation is don't waste your money.  Even the very best/most expensive can degrade the image, especially when backlighting is in the frame.

Possible exception is photographing heavy seas in gale force winds due to the spray of salty/sandy water, in that case a clear plastic bag over the entire equipment is a good idea.

I tried all manner of UV filters, from the best Nikon and Hoya to the cheapest unbranded and all caused ghosting and degradation of image to some extent and the worst wasn't the cheapest.  The occasional scratch on the front element causes less degradation, except perhaps directly into the Sun when it might have an effect.
