View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Mar 13th, 2019 18:14

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6866
Robert wrote:
I have noticed an inconsistency, on the Splash page, a button says "Recent Posts" yet the header button says"Recent Topics".

I think the labels are correct-ish but it depends on your logic.
On the Splash page it is showing you the Recent Posts which is also logically Recent Topics as if they have been posted to recently then they are also Recent Topics.
I think the button should say "Recent Topics" to be consistent.

The header button (Recent topics) inside the forum should take you to the Recent Topics view.
I use this all the time and its behaviour is as I expect.  I think naming is correct in this case.

May I suggest "Recent Posts" is correct and "Recent Topics" is wrong, since it's a list of all the most recent topics ordered by most recent posts.  It is NOT  ordered by how recently the topics were created.

It may sound nit picking but it may cause some confusion for a new member or an infrequent visitor.

The Recent Topics should be ordered by topic into which the most recent post has been made.
Dont forget the top topic at present is 'sticky' as it is an announcement.

Still learning after all these years!