View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 17:04

Joined: Fri Feb 8th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1428
The images are selected from all the images in the gallery  - I have set the number selected to 10 - more than that and it will take too long to load initially. It gets the URLs randomly and then constructs the HTML code to put those URLs into the carousel.

If you reload the page it goes and finds another selection of 10 - except for the first image which I thought was a good one for the forum.

I am looking to organise a refresh of the PM button every so often so maybe the answer is to just refresh the whole page after one iteration of the images.

The checkbox is possible -  a routine that copies the splash screen images into a separate directory if the user wants to submit the image.

The inactive screen saver is something I would have to look into - as I have said before, most things are possible, eventually!

As for subfora - that is a different kettle of worms - on a different planet entirely - the "magic loops" that generate them are a nightmare.
I would be interested to know in what way you would like to use them.

If it is broken it was probably me ....