View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Feb 27th, 2019 09:09

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4217
chrisbet wrote:
I have now finished developing the Modern editor and the NDSLR themes.

The Modern editor theme is a mirror of your old Ultra theme but with a javascript based editor and some minor tweaks to address some issues that were raised. It also reinstates the use of the Ultra gallery ( though the PP photo gallery remains for the time being). All PP images have been transferred to the Ultra gallery. I have linked the sponsor/recent/random images to the Ultra gallery and added the ability to see EXIF data (for any image that has it) on all images in the gallery as well as those on the main page.

The NDSLR theme has the same facilities but is based on a mobile friendly display grid. It has a fixed top navigation bar to replace the side menu of other themes and the sponsor/recent/random images are now displayed across the top under the main page banner. This theme also introduces a new style of PM - more like "whatsapp" etc. It uses the same database as the other system and users will see the same messages whichever theme they use. This theme makes taking and uploading to the forum from a phone very easy and if you have a bluetooth enabled camera or SD card then it is only a two step process to get photos from camera to forum ( as long as you have a phone signal!).

Please have a good look at both themes - if you want to mix & match then I can see what can be done, but in practice most things are possible.

Thanks for all the hard work Chris. We now need to get started using the new features. Is it possible to fix this info thread at the top of the home page to ensure all comers see it?
