View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Feb 7th, 2019 18:48

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote:
Graham Whistler wrote: Jeff that is a super pin sharp photo and colour spot on, love it!

Yes it really is super sharp.  Great shot.
This is something I keep meaning to ask everyone.

How do you sharpen?
What software?
What are your typical settings?
Do you use a formula or just do it by eye?

Probably out of step with everyone else as I am trying to leave behind the desktop and work exclusively on an iPad. It's they way forward but still lagging behind desktop processing ( Photoshop and Lightroom) at the moment. Until full PS is available on iPad I am persevering with Affinity.

Historically on the desktop I used high pass filter and mid contrast sharpening techniques I created and made into PS Actions. Of course they don't work in Affinity I need to revisit the sequences and see if they can be recreated in Affinity. In the meantime, I am doing very little sharpening while I am getting to grips with basic techniques and new equipment!.

I have used the Clarity (or 'make more noise slider') sparingly and of course unsharp mask....but mainly on a brush rather than global, and just enough to make a difference. I've never used any PS adjustments more than 20%...on the basis that if it needs more adjustment, it was wrong in the camera. I've yet to translate this mantra onto Affinity's interface sliders.

