View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Sat May 26th, 2012 05:45
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1895
I saw a posting on another web-site from Australia from a photographer who said wide angle lenses giving serious problems with very unsharp pictures with the D800. He would now need to spend serious money on Zeiss w/a lens?

I had not as yet needed to do too much wide angle work with mt D800 so I set up a test yesterday with my 14-24mm AF-S f2.8 that with my D3X is one of my sharpest lenses.

I am very happy to say all is very well! I did pix of outside of our house with lens at 24 and 14mm settings and at 100ISO took pix from f2.8 to f16. Results are spot on with no change from what I would have seen with the D3X on a similar test. Best results at f8 to f11, f16 still nearly as good so defraction with the high pixel count is not the problem that some so called experts have said would happen with this camera. Even f22 is OK but f16 is as far as I would use in normal working with this lens. f2.8 is not bad but f4 is sharper and f5.6 onwards show remarkable sharpness across whole field. Well done Nikon a great lens and a great camera who needs to spend extra money on Zeiss?

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Graham Whistler