View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Jan 11th, 2019 08:08

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote:
I had ago with the method that Jeff is using to reduce background clutter and noise.
The method is just a variant of what I use for portrait images so not a new technique but a variation of a technique.
Very useful but a bit time consuming.

I suppose this comes back to my basic premise that we ought to be able to get the result we want out of the camera without any editing. A forlorn hope with UK weather and the serendipity of casual photography ( as opposed to controlled environments etc)

In essence it comes down to deciding if the requirement for alteration affects the subject, the background or the whole image. Separating the subject from the background (by whatever method) enables the alteration of the two parts independently. But it takes a few moments to effect this.

Isolated changes such as noise reduction, sharpening, depth of field boketh are easily done, but to me, the NEED to do this (even a few minutes) on every photo, takes away some of the charm.

Coming from a commercial photography background, where in reportage situations we weren't ALLOWED to alter photos, it smacks of not being able to get it right first time. I know that with wildlife, so many things conspire to make this extremely difficult to get the perfect result from the camera. But part of me wonders if there's more pleasure in just getting the best you can out of the camera ....even if it falls short of a gold standard.o.O

Last edited on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 08:18 by Eric
