View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Jan 9th, 2019 08:20

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
Interested to hear comments about the relative merits of these last two posts.
HDR and non-HDR.

What software did you use?

The HDR looks much better to my eyes without examining either in detail, I just feel the highlights of the HRD are a bit bright? Maybe.

What spacing are the exposures? I tend to use .3 stop for images like that.

I am copying hundreds of slides at the moment and I am using bracketed HDR five exposures @ .3 spacing with the D800. Am getting some superb results from badly exposed slides, HDR processing in Lightroom. I tend to discard obviously over exposed frames, else it pushes the brights too bright.

I have discovered a way of stacking batches for HDR in Lightroom, so I can get on with photographing more slides while they are processing. Select the five or however many, (I have used up to 10 exposures when the range has been extreme on really dark slides) press ctrl+shift+H together, and repeat. I have batched ten sets at once, it just gets on with it. Magic.

Nice to see the Cornish landscape, hope you will repeat when the sun shines!
