View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Jan 2nd, 2019 16:03

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4363
Robert wrote:
Technology's moved on, it's an electronic mirror! LOL

Doesn't a Z have a pentaprism, with the screen below?

You don't have to have two mirrors (reflectors), the waist level finders were still SLR's, anyway I don't think it's an issue, just me being pedantic!

Submarines don't have periscopes any more, they release a buoy on a tether with a camera onboard, a bit similar.

We seem to be mainly Nikon with occasional excursions to other makes, predominantly stills, what about something like 'Nikon Photography Forum'? We need to steer clear of Birna's 'Nikon Gear', Dallas has 'PhotoZones'. No doubt there are others to avoid.

But I still feel most visitors are drawn by Google searches which are unrelated to the forum title. Yes, the forum name matters but not for attracting visitors in the first place.

You raise an interesting point re search engines.

If you put Nikon DSLR Forums in google ...THIS FORUM COMES UP FIRST. If you omit the DSLR ...WE DONT SHOW.

Assuming our main thrust is for Nikon users maybe we SHOULD try and get and point it at this site? Yes we should redo the headers and if you are really serious about changing forum software ...go for it.

Last edited on Wed Jan 2nd, 2019 16:04 by Eric
