View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Jan 2nd, 2019 15:12

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4363
Robert wrote:
Well in my view Z's are DSLR... Nothing about a mirror in DSLR? The Z's are digital, single lens and reflex. o.O

But I agree another name might be worth considering, frankly I don't think the name is that important, generally Google searches find the 'query' text in posts or threads, not the site name.

Most forums I find are as a result of a Google search on a specialised subject, some sites keep coming up, eventually if I have a sustained interest in a specialised subject I may join the forum which I find most helpful and well mannered.

As for the forum software I am sure there has to be something better than this.

I'm not totally convinced that the gallery serves a useful purpose any more.

I think some image thread categories and post images in threads could be better. Especially with the complexities of linking the forum with a separate gallery.

We could have a section with dedicated threads which could be themes for images predominantly, but allowing comments in following posts. Like Cars, railroad, clouds, architecture, trees, pets etc. etc. the list is endless. They could be preset and user created. That would make things simpler and easier to maintain. I think that can be a very successful format, in fact Grahams 'Bird' thread is a perfect example. One of the longest, best threads in history! It certainly draws a LOT of interest.

I always thought 'reflex' referred to the process of diverting the view via a prism and a mirror?

I personally think the current forum name IS potentially restrictive. There are loads of people using bridge, csc, mirrorless etc that might be put off or misled by the Digital SLR header.

I also think the gallery is unnecessary. We tend to post images that apertain to a subject in the relevant threads. We could have a section for 'critique' but I believe most people come to the forum to gain knowledge on equipment and techniques rather than get opinion on their artistry.

Besides, having images in the threads stops them becoming too dry a read.


Last edited on Wed Jan 2nd, 2019 15:13 by Eric
