View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Dec 19th, 2018 06:16

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote:
Can you detail what you did to those two images.

Snapseed has two methods of changing detail .....sharpness and structure. Sharpness is a simple unsharpmask at set just change degree of application.

I am not sure exactly how structure works but it seems to work preferentially on the less dominant parts of an image. In other words it's less effective on the main subject.

You cannot mask the subject in Snapseed but you can put selected control points around the subject then reduce the area of influence (finger and thumb squeeze) and apply the selected tool. It's like Nikon NX control points.

You just have to do enough control points and with enough spread to cover the background.

So start with Selective menu option....

Attachment: 2933E5F5-2456-42C2-9028-CC993D1EFB8C.jpeg (Downloaded 6 times)
