View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Dec 12th, 2018 13:38

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
blackfox wrote:
been reading some of the comments hear with interest Eric this is the way I process and it stays the same whatever brand/model /lens I use .

I initially process in Lightroom c.c to get the crop/ colour /w.balance / sharpness/exp looking how I wanted it to look at times I over enhance the bird for effect as some can be rather drab in dull lighting ...

I then open image in p.s and usually apply one touch of brightness around the eye detail, next I use subject surround and layer the bird . the I apply noise reduction via a plug in to the background layer only . rejoin the layers and resize the image for the web normally at 1400 pixels on longest edge unless its a super pic .

then its simply a case of applying my copyright info to the pic and sharpening the bird layer in smart sharpen . file /save as usually to my desktop first .

in my books this is the only way to get acceptable bird images . but others thoughts may differ

Interesting thread and thanks for insight to your methods.

I don't have the latest PS with Subject Sselect but I do it the old fashioned way.

Duplicate layer, apply de-noise to top layer and then simply erase the bird from the top layer to reveal the original below.

Erased bird.....

Attachment: layer.jpg (Downloaded 7 times)

Last edited on Wed Dec 12th, 2018 13:39 by Eric
