View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Dec 12th, 2018 08:44

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4424
Now you see I don't want to HAVE TO remove artefacts after the event. Frankly all de-noising software does is make the photo softer. Without masking, that includes the subject!

I still want to get it right in the camera. I know I know that's old school!

I don't want to HAVE TO I need to get closer or buy expensive long lenses.

I don't want to HAVE TO de-noise....I want a noise free camera up to 5000iso. If the lighting needs higher iso....I can either accept I will get noisey images or go to the pub.

I don't want to HAVE TO mask my subjects to protect them from the excesses of de-noising filters.

Take a look at Jeffs Slavonic grebe shot.
Being frank, if that level of noise free, sharp quality can be obtained on a 4/3 camera why can't Nikon do better on cameras costing 3,4,5x the price of the Panasonic?
