View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Wed May 23rd, 2012 09:07


Joined: Fri May 18th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
richw wrote: Whilst Doug's point is technically true most amateur photographers change cameras because they get upgrade lust rather than the camera wearing out.
In a nutshell if you wear out your shutter you will either be very unlucky or be very, very unusual in the amount of shots you take as an amateur.

There is some merit in not becoming 'click' happy for a different reason though, - if I just grab a camera and go mad I rarely take a good shot. My best shots are always taken with a bit more thought and purpose.

I will take good care of it! I already call it "my child" and even gave it a name lol. Yes, that probably makes me a little weird, but I'm okay with that.

Upgrade lust, eh? Well, I guess I should make sure that any additional lens I might purchase will work with other Nikons. I'm guessing Nikon is friendly enough to allow lenses to work with more than just one body. Purchasing body and lenses all over again would be very costly.

I wouldn't consider myself "click happy", but I do need to work more on the thought and purpose part of it. I have a friend who is going to be a test subject for portraits in a few weeks, so that may help!

Thanks for the reassurance :)
