View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Dec 12th, 2018 05:25

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
There is a catch 22 with mirrorless the way it is currently perceived.
The weight saving is initially there. But with any hope of getting the power availability to match a DSLR you have to attach extra batteries in grips. This reinstates the bulk and most of the weight saving.

Then there's the lenses. No one thought about the weight of the lenses....they are normal. So you are almost back to square one with regard to weight. If you opt not to do extra batteries the combination then seems unbalanced with long lenses.

The latest Nikon is better on these counts.

I have yet to decide if their latest iteration has narrowed the functionality gap between DSLRs and mirrorless, sufficiently.
