View single post by richw
 Posted: Wed May 23rd, 2012 04:22

Joined: Tue Apr 10th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
moonlight1811 wrote:
Y'all are using big words now! MBTF? I'm just now starting to properly comprehend aperture! lol
I will have to make due with my Nikon D3100 for now. I will just have to take extra care with it and make it last for as long as I can. Besides, for now this is only a hobby and something I just take a great amount of interest in. I don't intend on making it a career =]

You'll be fine. My wife and I have owned quite a few NIkon cameras between us and the only one that broke suffered a fall onto a tiled floor from a kitchen cabinet (knocked off by a young niece so we grinned and bore it). Genuine mechanical failure is covered by your Nikon warranty year 1, take lots of shots and if it makes past this you're good for a while. Whilst Doug's point is technically true most amateur photographers change cameras because they get upgrade lust rather than the camera wearing out. Many cameras don't get measured in the failure rate because the stop getting used before they fail (like my D70 and I'm afraid to say D200).

In a nutshell if you wear out your shutter you will either be very unlucky or be very, very unusual in the amount of shots you take as an amateur.

Don't let it fall onto a hard surface, but don't worry about taking shots.

There is some merit in not becoming 'click' happy for a different reason though, - if I just grab a camera and go mad I rarely take a good shot. My best shots are always taken with a bit more thought and purpose.