View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Nov 28th, 2018 15:22

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Who said anything about ME changing my intentions?

I merely said that images presented to me from a bridge camera exhibited less visible noise when digitally zoomed than when cropped on a computer and this may have changed my opinion of digital zoom.

The camera was the LUMIX FZ1000 shooting in raw, by the way.

My wife already has the later FZ2000 (in many ways a superior camera) and when I have a moment I will do the same comparison with her camera that mike did on his camera.

I STRESS, the image sharpness does suffer ( equally with digitally zooming or cropping afterwards) and for this reason I wouldn't countenance choosing it over a prime lens, larger sensor and more pixels.

I just feel it's interesting that high ISO noise appears to be less intrusive on a digital zoom.

As I haven't got Mikes images to post I will take some shots on the FZ2000.... while I wait for my Z body and 500mm to be delivered.
( on recent Nikon delivery performance I have many weeks to effect this comparison 😡)
