View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Oct 10th, 2018 18:10

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote:
Thought you didn't 'do' video! LOL

I think the Z6 will be a more relaxing camera to use. The Z7 (currently) has ultimate performance but for day to day photography I would consider the Z6 to be more practical, smaller file sizes, cheaper, better video(?) cheaper, and did I mention smaller file sizes...

I would need a van to carry all the Gigabytes of images after I have been motor racing if I used a Z7, the faithful D3 gets them all on one 32Gb CF, with a second 32Gb CF to catch star trails on my way home!!! :lol:

Yes I agree. I've also read a couple of reports where our old friend 'inadequate technique for the megapixels' has raised its head on the Z7.

We know from bitter experience that as pixel density increases, so must operator technique improve to capitalise on the sensors full potential.

The lighter weight of the Z7 and Z24-70 combination have caught some off guard ...shooting too casually and getting average results.

Have to say that I would be inclined to try the Z6 first....I want a camera like the D3 that is more forgiving of casual technique, when it comes to a carry round body.

And, as it's not available yet, my Yorkshire wallet can stay undisturbed for a little while longer. :lol:

Last edited on Wed Oct 10th, 2018 18:18 by Eric
